In the wake of the attack on a satirical publication in France, some Kenyans active on new media platforms were livid over different reasons.

There was a small group, which did not understand why some locals were appalled at the attack on free speech because, Charlie Hebdo, the publication which many did not know about before its employees were killed, is racist and on various occasions has denigrated Africans.

Then there was the other group, the political analysts who did not understand why world leaders were in solidarity with the French, and were marching in France, but fail to do so when terrorists attack an African country or Kenya specifically.

Their anger was informed by the fact that when Kenya suffered attacks by terrorists, Western countries responded by issuing travel advisories, declaring Kenya the riskiest place on earth and warning their citizens not to visit because their security was not assured.

Just a sec! I have no idea how racist Charlie Hebdo has been or is because I have never read any of their issues even though I love satire, and would not mind laying my hands on any of them....but I do not understand French.

The second group that was not happy, that is the political analysts who never waste a minute before starting to think with their fingers, were calling out Western powers for being hypocrites.

Oh, when it comes to calling others hypocrites, no one does it better than hypocrites themselves.

Why weren’t travel advisories being issued against France? They posed, and did not wait for an answer because they already knew it: the West is hell bent on impoverishing Africa, and specifically Kenya which is thriving in the face of adversity and does not need them because it is looking East — while it is blindfolded.

The funny bit about these people is they could as well have sold their parents to buy an air ticket to France at that time when they were considering the place so unsafe that Kenya should have issued travel advisories against it.

Of course terrorism is a global problem — and that is a wonderful excuse for a nation which thinks its problems are all caused by outsiders — and it is not fair for Western nations to abandon Kenya at its time of need.

However, what Kenyans were not saying is that, despite their patriotism, they never visited any of those areas attacked by terrorists to disabuse of the notion that Kenya is unsafe.

As a matter of fact, Kenyans are always the first to want out of these “unsafe” areas, and sadly, the first people to complain about insecurity in such areas are government employees who demand transfers to safer places because their security is not guaranteed.

Another thing that many failed to understand, and deliberately so because in Kenya, it is chic to blame foreigners, was that French authorities started hunting down the attackers, instead of attacking one another and calling each other names.

The country was united you can say, or that is the message that came across, but what happens in Kenya after a terrorist attack?

The authorities start blaming those who are not in power, political analysts start analysing the ethnic groupings of the casualties and fatalities, and then they start engaging in their favourite workout regime — jumping to conclusions — that a certain tribe which they belong to is being targeted.

When terrorist attacks happen in other countries where authorities do not rely on the interpretation of clueless political analysts, the victims are first viewed as citizens, and not members of a certain ethnic community.

Foreign powers

Then the people who have been given the mandate by the tax payers assure their employers, the citizens, that all is well — and that they do not do through rhetoric or hash tags or warnings or by deploying attack dogs, lapdogs and other hounds to foam at all their orifices in public rallies, but through meaningful action.

It is not easy to understand how a nation which prides itself in being a regional powerhouse can be so full of crybabies who are so fast on holding pity parties and seeing themselves as victims of some foreign powers.

Interference by foreign powers cannot be ruled out in certain circumstances, but it is also imperative for the self-styled victims to have a re-look in to their value systems and ask themselves why the foreigners interfere in their internal affairs. Is Kenya not that country where laws are just but proposals that do not have to be followed, and are often times applied selectively?

Is Kenya not the same country where leaders denounce certain countries at night, and in the morning send their children to those same places for further studies or they themselves visit for medical attention when they have as much as a running nose?

Is Kenya not the place where thieves are feted, and those who question them are wished away as political enemies who are seeking validation by asking nonsensical questions?

Is Kenya not the country where non-state bodies are hounded by the powers that be because they are funded by foreign bodies and can therefore, only be anti-government yet the State itself cannot offer half the services those bodies offer?

It is an open secret that Kenya is a country without any value systems, a country where leaders are more at home when calling each other names, when spewing hatred, when inciting communities against one another, than when they are trying to bring reconciliation and ensure that citizens live peacefully.

Kenya happens to be that place where public officials deliberately run down public sectors so that the private ones which they own, or which are owned by their cronies can thrive — it is that country where there is no parcel of land high-ranking government officials did not want to grab. Yes, Kenya is that country where leaders worship poverty — they pray that their voters forever remain poor so that they can appreciate whatever crumbs thrown their way, and treat their benefactors, the thieving politicians, as gods and goddesses who are always helping them.

Common enemy

I am always made to understand that terrorists who attack Kenya always want to divide the country along different lines, a situation they can exploit to their advantage, if you can call killing innocent victims an advantage.

Thus it is important for Kenyans to stay united, and not blame the entity that collects taxes, but instead come together in fighting a common enemy, the terrorists or the foreign bandits.

Well, from the look of things, the attackers do not have to try hard because Kenya is forever divided along more lines than the terrorists can ever imagine — and it should not be forgotten that Kenyan politicians love mourning or shedding crocodile tears to uphold the country’s motto of United in Grief.