By Allan Kisia

The Reverend Timothy Njoya of Presbyterian Church has accused MPs of not heeding to Kenyans’ wishes.

Dr Njoya said the law review process was no longer people-driven.

"Parliament has grabbed the document from the people. What we are seeing in Parliament is a conflict resolution between the rich and the rich. Kenyans wanted a conflict resolution between the rich and poor," he said.

The cleric said legislators put their interests first ignoring what Kenyans wanted.

"Ordinary Kenyans now don’t feature anywhere in the review process," he added.

Njoya spoke at a service in Victory Harvest Church in Mudete, Sabatia District.

He said the current Constitution should be done away with as it promoted injustices and unfair distribution of resources.

"Ten per cent are enjoying the country’s wealth while the rest of the population is struggling," he said.

He said a people-driven constitution would be the country’s second liberation.

Njoya said Kenyans were reluctant to go to the streets to demand that they be involved in the review process because they did not want violence.

"Kenyans have accommodated the robbery without violence because what happened in 2007 is still fresh in their minds," he said.

He stated he was among the pioneers of the talk of giving Kenyans a new constitution more than two decades ago. "I went through a lot of problems because of my calls for a new constitution," he said.