Thirdway Alliance party leader, Ekuru Aukot. [Screen grab, Spice FM]

Thirdway Alliance Party leader Ekuru Aukot now claims that the United States (U.S.) is using Kenya to fix the mess it created in Haiti.

His sentiments come hours after the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously in support of a resolution to send multinational law enforcers to Haiti.

Speaking on Spice FM on Tuesday, October 3, the former presidential candidate said Kenya cannot confront the over 200 armed gangs in the Caribbean country.

The gangs have already seized control of the Capital City Port-au-Prince and other national facilities.

"Why Kenya? there are many Caribbean countries around Haiti. It is so typical of America to go to a country, create a mess, and then leave it to some other country to clean it up. They did that in Somali during the Black Hawk, they did it in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya," said Aukot.

The politician further claimed the only reason why France and the US invaded Haiti was because of a rare mineral that is all over the country.

He termed the government's move to send at least 1,000 officers to the yearlong mission, 'a big mistake'.

"We have serious problems locally, our police officers are used to chasing guys carrying stones and throwing teargas. They will not be able to quell those gangs in Haiti. Remember they even killed their president," Aukot added.

Aukot questioned the criteria used by the U.S. when picking Kenya to lead the mission adding that President William Ruto needs to explain to Kenyans the thinking behind the decision.

"Even the President himself hasn't come out to clarify to Kenyans as accountability would require of him. This whole thing is shrouded in secrecy. There are so many countries close to Haiti that could fix this. Why an East African country, and Kenya for that matter?" he posed.

Following the UNSC's nod, Kenya is now set to deploy the 1,000 officers by January next year.

The officers will be handpicked from various units including the General Service Unit, Border Patrol Unit, and the Rapid Deployment Unit