French President Emmanuel Macron talks during a show in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, France March 14, 2022. [Reuters]

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from across Africa have come together to call on French President Emmanuel Macron to take a leading role in implementing a transformative, climate-friendly policy agenda that benefits both people and the planet.

This appeal comes during the ongoing "Summit for a New Global Financial Pact" in Paris, where President Macron is spearheading the two-day international conference.

In a demand letter signed by more than 60 organisations, the CSOs emphasise the urgent need for comprehensive and robust commitments from world leaders to enhance climate finance and build resilience in Africa.

The letter specifically highlights the necessity for a rapid and significant scaling up of debt-free, grant-based finance for African institutions, including the African Adaptation Initiative and community-led efforts to effectively respond to the escalating impacts of climate change.

The Paris Summit aims to promote fiscal processes and institutions that support heavily indebted countries, mobilise innovative climate finance, and encourage private sector investments in developing nations.

It serves as a crucial platform to address the pressing challenges posed by climate change and pave the way for a sustainable future.

CSOs participating in the summit have identified four key areas that require immediate attention and action.

These include resetting and enhancing climate finance options, boosting debt-free adaptation finance, strengthening African-led adaptation measures, and financing climate education, capacity building, and skills transfer.

These priorities reflect the urgent need to address the multifaceted aspects of climate change and ensure a comprehensive approach to climate finance.

Prominent figures within the climate advocacy sphere have expressed their support for the CSOs' demands, emphasizing the critical importance of climate finance and justice.

President William Ruto with France President Emmanuel Macron during the Global Financial Pact Summit in Paris, France. [File, Standard]

"Africa has been bearing the brunt of the climate crisis since before the world started discussing what to do about it," Mohamed Adow, Director of the climate think tank Power Shift Africa, stated.

"African voices have been too frequently ignored, and our needs left unmet. That will no longer stand, which is why African civil society groups are coming together to speak with one voice and demand to be heard," Adow said.

"It's time the financial resources were found to pay the climate debt owed by the rich polluting nations and to help Africa adapt and thrive in a climate which has been distorted by the actions of others," he said.

Courtney Morgan, a Campaigner at the African Climate Reality Project, emphasised the need for climate finance centred on justice.

"Due to historical emissions and the unequal impacts of climate change felt by vulnerable communities, particularly in the Global South, we affirm the need for climate finance that is fair and centred on justice," Morgan stated.

"A principled and human rights-based approach must underpin climate finance deals. This requires an urgent shift in the international financial system," Morgan said.

Ndivile Mokoena, Project Coordinator at GenderCC Southern Africa, stressed the urgency of climate adaptation in Africa.

"The urgency and importance of climate adaptation in Africa are strongly linked to the continent's disproportionate devastation, despite its less than 3 per cent contribution to global emissions," Mokoena stated.

"Climate models predict that the impacts in Africa will only become more frequent and severe, with vulnerable and frontline communities being most at risk. Therefore, we call for urgent action in financial support from global north nations," stated Mokoena

Chibeze Ezekiel, Executive Coordinator for Strategic Youth Network for Development and ACCESS Coalition, voiced his endorsement of a new Global Finance Pact that ensures growth and sustainable development in Africa through climate-friendly measures and adequate climate financing.

These calls for transformative climate finance commitments underline the experts' belief that stronger financial commitments are essential to creating a resilient and sustainable future for Africa's vulnerable populations.

As the Paris Summit continues, the world will closely observe the actions and responses of global leaders, including President Macron, to address the pressing climate challenges and support the aspirations of the African continent.