Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga (left) with NARC Kenya leader Martha Karua at Serena Hotel. [Elvis Ogina, Standard]

As politicians continue to shift alliances ahead of the August General Election, Kenyans are being treated to a front-row seat in the unfolding spectacle.

The latest is Narc-Kenya Leader Martha Karua’s move to join the Azimio la Umoja movement.

Several leaders and political pundits on Wednesday took to social media to react to her decision.

Gatundu South Member of Parliament Moses Kuria said he respected Karua’s decision to join the Raila Odinga-led camp, noting that there was no bad blood between them.

“I respect the decision by my sister Martha Karua to join Azimio just like she respected my decision to join the Kenya Kwanza Alliance. Ultimately Kenya is the winner and democracy will prevail. May the best team win,” he said in a Facebook post.

It was Kuria who last week challenged Karua to “choose a side”.

The lawmaker said only a Ruto and Karua ticket would save Kenyan politics from ‘dynastic domination’. 

Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui avowed that the Narc-K leader had made the best choice by choosing to join Azimio.

“I wish to congratulate Martha for making the best choice in the interest of the country. She joins the long list of well-meaning leaders who have Kenya at heart. It is easy to see the dream team loading,” Kinyanjui noted.

But political scientist Mutahi Ngunyi was quick to liken Karua’s move to that of former Vice President’s Kijana Wamalwa slogan “gari tosha”.

Ngunyi speculated that her joining Azimio would boost her [Karua] chances of being Raila’s running mate.

While welcoming the former Cabinet minister to his camp, Raila said he looks forward to working with all coalition partners to foster a better Kenya.

“They have been together in the struggle, they have fought bad regimes together, they have fought for the freedoms we enjoy together, and together they were today to chat the way for a new Kenya,” the ODM party said in its welcoming statement.

In her speech on Wednesday, Karua reminisced her past moments with Raila saying: "I have chosen to be with Raila without struggle. We've been in the trenches together and from today we shall be going out to popularise the Azimio la Umoja coalition and his 10-point agenda.”

Although Karua remains adamant about pursuing the Kirinyaga governorship, a majority of Kenyans and indeed political pundits feel that she, owing to her 30-year political journey in the country’s politics, is more suited for a national post. Speculation is placing her at the feet of the running mate slot.