Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka speaks to the media at his Tseikuru home in Kitui County on Monday, March 14, 2022. [Philip Muasya, Standard]

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has defended his move to support Mr Raila Odinga for the presidency.

Mr Musyoka said the decision was meant to ensure that the Kamba community has a stake during formation of the next administration.

“The next government, without doubt, will be formed by the three pillars of Azimio, with me being among them,” he said.

Mr Musyoka, who was speaking during a funeral at Kalimoni village near Machakos town, said the Kamba community “had suffered for long” for being out of government.

The One Kenya Alliance co-principal insisted that the decision was not personal but rather a collective resolution by fellow coalition members.

Mr Musyoka said that despite having supported Raila in the past, he had to bite the bullet once more for the sake of the Kamba community. “There comes a time when one has to sacrifice his personal interest for the sake of the larger interests.” The Wiper leader pleaded with Kamba leaders to back him “for the sake of the region and future prosperity.”