Deputy President William Ruto when he attended ANC National Delegates conference at Bomas of Kenya [David Njaaga, Standard]

A Bill tabled in Parliament seeking the reintroduction of manual transmission of election results has touched Deputy President William Ruto's raw nerve.

In a statement on his official Twitter page, the Deputy President said the Elections (Amendment) Bill, 2022, was a ploy by the State to install a 'puppet president' through forceful, undemocratic, and unconstitutional means.

"The plan is evil and must fail," said the DP.

The Bill, tabled by Majority Leader Amos Kimunya, wants the media and online platforms barred from live streaming the 2022 provisional election results.

"Clause 21 seeks to amend section 44A of the Act to provide a complementary mechanism for voter identification and transmission of election results," reads part of the Bill.

According to Ruto, the Bill portends trouble for Kenya, its democracy, and the freedom of its citizens.

"The assaults on the Constitution through reckless legislative and administrative sleights of hand by dark forces operating in the shadows, are fundamental ingredients of a coup — the sovereignty of the people of Kenya is under grave threat," he concluded.

The Bill was last used during the 2007 general election. At the time, the country was plunged into a crisis following the delay of some of the presidential results which was attributed to the manual transmission.

Following these anomalies, a law was crafted to ensure the results were electronically relayed to the national tallying centre to avoid delays.

Some Members of Parliament allied to the DP have also expressed their displeasure following the reintroduction of the bill.

"One step forward, two steps backward. This is unacceptable," nominated senator Millicent Omanga said.

"Why would a retiring President (Uhuru Kenyatta) seek to change election laws a few months to the general elections? Why would he lead the Cabinet to draft a law directing IEBC on how to manage our elections? Why the panic? With such levels of interference, will it end well?" Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot pose.