Some of the 700 families who have been displaced by the new railway line from Mai Mahiu Industrial Park to Longonot town hold a demonstration demanding compensation after waiting for over a year. The families from Mai Mahiu, Longonot and Suswa towns have now vowed that the works on the Sh3.5B will not proceed until they get their rightful compensation. [Antony Gitonga, Standard]

Over 100 farmers affected by the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) railway construction in Mai Mahiu three years ago are facing another eviction.

This is after the government moved in for their remaining parcels of land, despite failing to compensate them for the losses incurred three years ago.

The farmers from Nyakinyua area vowed they will not give way for the upcoming meter-gauge railway line from the Inland Container Depot in Mai Mahiu to Longonot town.

This came as it emerged that there was a blame game between officers from Kenya Railways and National Land Commission (NLC) over the pending compensation.

Three years ago, NLC took parcels of land in the semi-arid area for the SGR but the government agency has failed to compensate the affected families.

Joseph Gathuita, a victim, said for three years they have been taken in circles by government officers on the compensation.

Contacted, Nakuru County Commissioner Erastus Mbui said the government would first establish the real owners and value of the land before releasing the cash.

While regretting the delay in compensation, Mbui assured the affected families that they would receive their rightful dues.