Kakamega County Assembly Deputy Speaker Soita Kasaya (left) with MCAs. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]

MCAs from Western region are meeting today in Kakamega town to discuss the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Bill and the political agenda of the region.

The ward representatives from Trans Nzoia, Busia, Bungoma, Vihiga and Kakamega counties have been invited to the meeting that will be graced by Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi, Cotu secretary General Francis Atwoli, among other leaders from the region.

Ayub Savula, ANC deputy party leader said the meeting was meant to whip the MCAs to pass the Constitutional (Amendment) Bill 2020.

“Western is pro-BBI. I would like to thank Atwoli for inviting all the MCAs for the crucial meeting. Our focus is to see BBI voted for in all the five-county assemblies in Western,” Savula said.

He said Mudavadi had indicated that he would attend the meeting.

According to the Lugari MP, both elected and nominated MCAs from the five counties have been invited for the meeting.

Governors Wycliffe Oparanya (Kakamega), Sospeter Ojaamong’ (Busia), Wilbur Ottichilo (Vihiga) and Patrick Khaemba (Trans Nzoia) support the BBI initiative and are all expected to attend the meeting.

Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa, who has been passionate about BBI, told KTN that he would also attend the meeting.

Wamalwa said devolution would win big if Kenyans passed the BBI Bill in the referendum. 

Western is keen to borrow a leaf from Nyanza region, which held a meeting bringing together MCAs, MPs and political and religious leaders recently.

They were invited for the meeting by ODM leader Raila Odinga. So far, Siaya, Kisumu and Homa Bay county assemblies have passed the Bill.