The Assembly examines on Wednesday a bill organizing the end of the state of health emergency on July 10, with a transitional period until the fall during which restrictions will remain possible, leading the opposition to be alarmed by a state of emergency "which does not say its name".

Came into force on March 24 in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic, this regime deviating from ordinary law gives the government exceptional resources and makes it possible to restrict certain public freedoms. It had been extended in May until July 10.

The government has ruled that maintaining it is no longer justified by the positive development of the health situation, even if the virus continues to circulate.

But "a dry exit would risk putting the health situation in danger," said AFP rapporteur Marie Guévenoux (LREM), stressing the risk of "localized resurgence" of the virus and the need to be able to "react very quickly". to the "clusters".

The text, examined at first reading, therefore allows restrictions on the movement of people, the reception of the public in certain establishments or gatherings, and this until October 30. MEPs advanced in committee the end of the transitional period, which was initially to last until 10 November.

According to the rapporteur, even if the framework is general, "the intention" is to activate these provisions in a "very localized" manner in the event of a resurgence of the virus.

If it were necessary to decide on a new containment, such as that implemented from March 17 in order to curb the epidemic, the government should on the other hand again declare a state of health emergency.

In committee, the oppositions on the right as on the left were moved by a text "infringing on freedoms", astonished at its examination while the head of state praised Sunday evening a near return to normal.

The majority elected pleaded, like Laurence Vichnievsky (MoDem), that "between very strict confinement and nothing more, there must be a transitional stage".

"False nose"

But Philippe Gosselin (LR) reported "a form of anger" with regard to this text deemed "liberticide", which "actually returns to the state of emergency which does not say its name".

"It is a false nose, a form of extension disguised (...). It is not acceptable," added Tuesday the boss of elected LR Damien Abad before the press.

Same feeling for Jean-Christophe Lagarde (UDI) who sees "a paradox and a drift" in the fact of prolonging "the measures of the state of emergency without the state of emergency", and fears that this will continue at beyond fall.

On the left, Hervé Saulignac (PS) was also moved by the commission of this "curious third way" between exceptional regime and common law, warning the majority against "a cocktail" risking "farting in his face" regarding restrictions on the right to demonstrate.

"It's too much if we consider the epidemic under control," added Hubert Wulfranc (PCF) while Danièle Obono (LFI) castigated a "state of permanent derogation".

Evoking a "somewhat watered-down state of emergency", Paul Molac (Liberties and Territories) wondered if it was a Trojan horse towards a "safer" society, while autumn "will be relatively warm" socially.

In an attempt to "respond to concerns", and on the rapporteur's initiative, MEPs have further framed restrictions on rallies. The demonstrations will in particular be subject to an authorization system "with regard to the implementation of the barrier measures".

Another part of this text which raised the "deep concern" of the Order of physicians as well as questions up to the MoDem: the possibility of prolonging the conservation of certain health data collected by health information systems.

In unison with some elected officials, the Order pointed to a "double talk" of the government when it undertook in May during the extension of the state of emergency to limit the conservation of these items to three months data.

Without removing the measure, the deputies limited in committee the possibility of extension to the sole purpose of epidemiological surveillance and research on the virus.