A woman has committed suicide two days after the burial of her daughter.

The body of Leah Wangui Mugo, 36, was found hanging from the roof of her bedroom on Thursday night, two days after her daughter Sarah Nungari was buried in Kanjama village, Mathioya sub-county.

The Form Two student at Kiria-ini Mixed Secondary School had hanged herself on September 11, after she quarreled with her mother over money she demanded to pay for an educational trip.

Mary Wanjau, a local, said Nungari committed suicide after she was slapped by her mother, who accused her of being rude.

“After she was slapped, she moved away. Her body was later discovered hanging from the roof of her room,” Ms Wanjau said. Villagers said the girl was reserved. "She rarely interacted with other people," a neighbour said.

Kiria-ini Chief Francis Mwangi said Francis Mugo, Wangui's husband, had informed him that his wife suffered depression after the death of their daughter. He wanted the chief to give him advice on how to handle the problem. 

But the administrator said Mugo did not visit him on Thursday as had been agreed.

“On the material day, I passed near their farm and saw the couple being helped by friends to pluck green tea leaves,” the chief said.

Mr Mugo had approached several other people  for advice to help his wife out of the depression.