Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga. [David Njaaga/Standard]

A Nairobi Magistrate's court has thrown out a case in which former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga and three other persons were charged with violently robbing three police officers of guns and cash at a church seven years ago.

Senior Principal Magistrate Martha Mutuku today withdrew the case against the four under Section 87 (A). Njenga was charged alongside five other people, including businessman Francis Mwangi, Wanjohi Ngare and Stephen Kuria.

The crime allegedly took place at his Hope Church at Thome estate in Nairobi’s Kasarani area in 2012. The case was withdrawn due to the repeated absence of prosecution witnesses.

Defence lawyers Danstan Omar, Kiraithe Wandungi and Evans Ondieki raised a complaint during the trial.

The lawyers accused the prosecution of deliberately delaying the case, by failing to avail witnesses, so that it does not proceed to a full trial. 

They told the court that the team had made several applications for adjournments in the case.