Mwingi Central MP Gideon Mulyungi. [Photo: Courtesy]

A Wiper Member of Parliament (MP) has revealed that plans are underway to evict ODM from the the NASA coalition for alleged betrayal and disrespect to other coalition partners.

Gideon Mulyungi (Mwingi Central) said that ODM had betrayed other NASA partners and acted in bad faith thus they had no option but to kick it out of the coalition.

He decried the Tuesday removal of Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula as Minority Leader in the Senate as well as recent agreement between President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga to work together. Another bone of contention is the recent remarks by a section of ODM members that the party will support Deputy President William Ruto for presidency in 2022.   

“All these are clear manifestations that we are not walking the same path with ODM. If they have decided to overthrow Wetang’ula from the Senate then we will also oust ODM from NASA. They can go and join Jubilee,” Mulyungi said at Kiseveni village while disbursing CDF bursary cheques.

He described NASA as a family of four wives noting that if one wife decided to quit the marriage she was free to go but the rest will remain.

“We are not interested in NASA/Jubilee cohabitation and we will not be party to a coalition where there is no respect. Raila will not be allowed to auction other NASA partners to Jubilee without consulting them. We will kick him out,” the MP stated.

He claimed that ODM was being used by Jubilee to collapse NASA but noted that Wiper, ANC and Ford Kenya will play the Opposition role with the exit of ODM. The legislator said that it was defeatist for Odinga to decide to work with Jubilee when the issues that were being advanced by the Opposition had not been addressed.

“From his body language you can easily tell he has been bought to abandon Kenyans who supported us. They are behaving like political prostitutes who cannot be trusted,” lamented Mulyungi.