[Photo: Courtesy]

I have been keen, and I can tell you  that the social media is abuzz with a healthy campaign to defend the boy child from “oppression” by feminists. The opponents of this campaign are now calling it toxic and censuring without justification. First of all, when I started this boy child campaign, many thought that I was a joker but the boy child is now enlightened and has picked the fight on social media.

The censuring tone in the boy’s campaign is a mere response to the constant attack by the girl child who are like “terrorists” on the man’s emotional and physical being. I am happy and not surprised by the male gender picking up on topics like the oppressive marriages that female make men live through, women harassing men to pay upkeep for children they (men) did not sire and cases of men being compelled to pay rent for women they have not married and the hot potato of dowry payment.

What the social media generation is saying is that a man must be respected irrespective of whether he provides or not. I am surprised some people find that censuring. Society was losing it with the overempowerment of the girl child, reason why in ten adults, two are divorced, two are in a come-we stay-relationship, another two separated yet the other two are senior bachelors and spinsters with only two in a stable marriage. Let the boy child keep up the fight to return society to normalcy.


Mr Njoka is Chair Maendeleo ya Wanaume.