1. Lawyers have argued that the petition does not have concrete evidence hence using intimidation tactics like saying "a positive consideration of their petition would help redeem the court."

 The Supreme Court has no redemption to make. The main thing that Raila complained about in his claim of electoral malpractice was the hacking of IEBC systems. But in his petition, he has completely abandoned this theory.


2.) This is a case for the country’s top lawyers to make a lot of money from it. Sh1 billion legal fees is up for grabs these lawyers.


3.) All results were declared at the polling station. In each and every station there were local and international media, local and international observers, agents representing each and every presidential candidate. They all witnessed how he was defeated.


4.) The votes were expected to be counted in an open forum where everybody saw, then the form declaring who won on that polling station was filled in plain view of all agents in the room, the agents took pictures for their own keep then the document was scanned and results posted.


5.) Mr Odinga cannot be declare president even if he wins the case. We will have to go for fresh polls and trust me it would cost us tax payers a lot of money and the voter turnout will be very low plus he will get another defeat once again.

Remember we will not miss the demands of reconstitution of a new IEBC