Teacher in class (Photo Courtesy)

?Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is recruiting 1,736 additional teachers to replace those who have exited the service.

This is in addition to the 5,000 teachers who are currently reporting to their new working stations after a successful recruitment. This brings to 6,736 the total number of teachers employed this year alone.

Data from TSC shows that 1,346 teachers are being hired to replace those who left teaching service in primary and 390 in secondary schools.

The recruitment schedule shows that advertisement for the new teaching jobs has been done.

County directors are expected to collect employment documents by Friday, August 11.

School boards of management and county directors are expected to receive applications by August 14. And vetting has been scheduled for August 21.

Masters degree

This means that the new teachers who will be successful in the process will report to the new working stations by September 4.

During this year's recruitment, Masters degree holders and University graduates who scored first class honours were awarded higher scores of 35 points.

Teaches who graduated in 2013 or earlier also have an upper hand, according to the TSC selection score sheet seen by The Standard. Second class upper first degree holders get 30, while those with a pass are awarded a maximum of 20 points.

Diploma students with a distinction get 30 points, while those with credit manage a maximum of 25. Additional information show that teachers who graduated in 2013 or earlier will score a maximum of 60 points.

Those of 2014 will get a maximum of 52 as 2015 graduate get 44 points. Length of stay after graduation will also be considered during interviews.