BOMET, KENYA: Small scale tea growers supplying their green leaves to Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA) managed factories in Bomet and Kericho wants the government to waive loans used in building factories in the region.

The farmers said loans amounting to billions of shillings taken by KTDA on their behalf to build satellite factories in the region has seen a reduction in their earnings over the years.

The farmers said the loans have contributed to the low earnings as KTDA continues to deduct money from them monthly.

"It is time the government comes to our rescue because it seems we are going to pay this money forever. Some of us have paid for nearly 15 years," said Samuel Kipkoskei a farmer from Boito.

Speaking during an Annual General Meeting at Boito Tea Factory in Konoin, the farmers took issue with the loan repayment model alleging that it has created a leeway for extortion.

"While we appreciate the expansion program that involves building more factories through loans we are being burdened as farmers as it seems we are going to pay the loans forever," added another farmers.

The farmers also demanded that KTDA should reveal to its membership the amount they borrowed to use in expanding factories within the region.

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Joyce Laboso, Konoin MP Sammy Koech, Bomet County Assembly Speaker Geoffrey Kipngetich and MCAs Bernard Ngeno (Kapletundo) and Joyce Korir (Singorwet) were present during the AGM.

Laboso and Koech shared the farmers sentiments saying the loans had become thorny issue in the struggle to ensure farmers get better earning from their tea.