Ethnic vouching will not secure the future of our children and lives across the country, solid governance based on equitable distribution of resources will. We need a Kenya where it doesn’t matter if your school was named after a saint, politician, aristocrat, wild animals, trees or physical features, you will still have an equal chance in life, where your second name or religion would be a non-issue.

Raila, the self-confessed social democrat aptly fits the bill, he would be the ‘ideal candidate’….forget the little matter of him being an overnight billionaire…the downtrodden in the society honestly believe in him, they honestly believe…(Tom Wolf can confirm). He will lower the price of Unga, strengthen devolution, and turn around the economy, end tribalism & corruption (despite his stint as the prime minister stating otherwise).

A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth, Raila’s presidency will debunk the myth about the man, and in master stroke it will expose him to his fervent political base to be just another self-seeking politician, part of the ruling political elite whose prime motivation to acquire power is to add more zeros to an already bulging foreign account. It is OK for Meg Whitman a Republican to endorse a Hillary Clinton who is a Democrat, in Kenya; Ababu Namwamba isn’t allowed to be open minded.

The disappointment & failure of a Raila’s presidency will end our obsession with politics around personalities. He who has never traveled thinks his mother is the best cook, with respect restored to our constitutional offices; the nation will be able to forge on around issues.