The number of street children in urban centers in Kenya is on the rise. Most of these children end up in streets due to neglect from their parents. It has been proven that majority of these children actually do have and know their homes and parents and most of them come from nearby slums.
One of the main reason why we have children on the streets is because of poor family planning. Sex is usually an entertainment tool for a poor man. They are always idle so they have plenty of time to mate Most of the poor people do give birth to plenty of children because they lack hope. They don’t know if their kids will survive in the harsh environment that surrounds them. Poor hygiene and lack of health care services reproductive health included, makes their children prone to being attacked by diseases so they end up trying their luck by having many kids in case one dies there will be another to replace the dead one. Through this process they end up having many kids that they are unable to take care of and provide for which forces the children to the street to look for ways to survive.
We need to empower slum dwellers when it comes to reproductive health matters. They are one of the forgotten population here in Kenya. Family planning is not known by many men and women in the slums. There is a need in creating awareness in these areas on the importance of using family planning methods. This can be achieved by working with their local leaders and other local entities. After creating awareness we should then avail family planning services to them. These services should be of high quality and free of charge due to their social status.
Also in the streets we do have children of reproductive age. They are also human being so we should approach them and give them the information about family planning and offer these services to them for free.
If we consider these measures I think the issues off street families will be contained and we will be able to deal with the existing street children and get rid of them once and for all. I believe that every child has a right to shelter, food, clothing, security and care. No child should be on the street