The fate of the embattled Murang'a Governor Mwangi wa Iria now lies with an 11-member Senate committee that will investigate whether the claims against him warrant impeachment.

During a special session Wednesday, the Senate voted to form the committee to look into the various charges cited by the Murang'a County assembly in its motion to impeach wa Iria.

Senate Speaker Ekwee Ethuro read out the grounds setting in motion the impeachment process, which includes gross violation of the Constitution, the County Government Act, the Public Finance Management Act, crimes under national law and abuse of office.

The committee has 10 days to look into the charges raised and report back to the House with a recommendation, which will be debated by the House. The members include Billow Kerrow (Mandera), Abu Chiaba (Lamu), John Lonyangapuo (West Pokot), Stephen Sang (Nandi), Stewart Madzayo (Kilifi), Moses Kajwang' (Homabay), David Musila (Kitui), Muriuki Karue (Nyandarua) and Nominated senators Janet Ongera, Fatma Dullo and Catherine Mukite.

The committee will investigate wa Iria on allegations that he violated the Constitution and the Public Finance Management Act by borrowing Sh200 million without a guarantee by the Treasury and that the said loan was not a factor in the debt strategy paper of the county. The besieged governor will also be investigated for alleged gross violation of the Constitution for lack of accountability in the management and use of county resources by incurring unsustainable debts to the tune of Sh2.5 billion, which were not disclosed in the Debt Management Paper 2015.

Ghost workers

The committee will substantiate the allegations that the governor incurred advertisement expenditure amounting to Sh247 million against the approved budget of Sh7 million. Wa Iria is also accused of failure to establish the County Budget and Economic Forum as stipulated under Section 137 of the Public Finance Management Act and as a result, he failed to consult with the public over the preparation of the county plans, budgets, economy and financial management at the county level.

The county assembly in its report to the Senate alleged that the governor has continuously displayed negligence of his duties by failing to issue Gazette notices of all formal decisions made by him. Wa Iria is also accused of loss of public funds through payment of 80 ghost workers and a lack of precise inventory of the staff establishment as indicated in the Auditor General's report of 2013/2014.

The governor is also accused of disregarding the assembly as an arm of the county government and undermining its legislative authority through requisition of monies and not remitting the same, hence crippling its operations.

In supporting the motion to adopt the names of the special committee, George Khaniri (Vihiga) urged the members to be above board during deliberations and adhere to Article 181 of the Constitution. "The committee should strictly adhere to the provisions of the Constitution and be above board," he said.

Kiraitu Murungi (Meru) told the committee not to victimise the governor over remarks he made earlier that he was not a tourist attraction who was to be observed by senators. He urged them to stick to the allegations levelled against him.