County assemblies have petitioned the Senate over the proposed budget ceiling by the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA), arguing it will result in a deficit of Sh4.4 billion.

The County Speakers Forum (CAF) has now appealed to the Senate through the Finance Committee to intervene in the matter, cautioning if nothing is done, assembly operations might stall.

County speakers and clerks who appeared before the committee at Parliament Buildings yesterday expressed their frustration in meeting operational costs and salaries for members of county assemblies. The 34 assemblies censured CRA for putting a blanket 30 per cent budget ceiling on its recommended expenditure without considering the peculiar scenarios each county faces.

"The recommended ceilings have resulted in variations, which should be corrected or the assemblies will be handicapped when it comes to discharging their oversight, legislation and representation mandate as stipulated in law," said Nyandarua Speaker Ndegwa Wahome.

"With limited resources, we will be unable to undertake public participation, capacity building of MCAs and staff, pay legal fees and gratuities, hold committee sittings and cater for domestic travel."

He blamed CRA for pegging its proposals on constant figures for all counties irrespective of their needs.

Session Chairman Mutula Kilonzo Jr (Makueni), senators Peter Mositet (Kajiado), Wilfred Machage (Migori), Zipporah Kittony and Agnes Zani (nominated) sought to know from the forum the estimated percentage that would satisfy their expenses.

Dr Machage, Kilonzo Jr and Dr Zani proposed an additional 10 per cent, which Nairobi Assembly Clerk Jacob Ngwele argued might not be sufficient for some counties like Nairobi. The committee will deliberate on the forum's proposal and give its recommendations to the House.