Kericho and Bomet counties have signed an agreement to jointly offset electricity bills incurred by Tililbei Water and Sanitation Company to supply water to residents.

Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto and his Kericho counterpart Paul Chepkwony said the move wouldend wrangles over how much money each of the two counties should contribute to pay the bills.

The squabbles surround electricity bills incurred while supplying water to residents of Bureti constituency which is in Kericho County.

"A metre has been placed at the water intake at river Itare in Konoin constituency in Bomet County so that the counties can determine what proportion of the electricity bill they have to pay," said Mr Ruto.

The Bomet governor said Kericho County consumes 38 per cent of the water supplied by the company and should therefore cater for part of the bill.

No squabbles

"Bomet County consumes 62 per-cent of the water supply which means we are the ones who are supposed to pay a bigger percentage of the electricity bill and there will be no more arguments about it henceforth," said Ruto.

He revealed that his administration had bought water pipes worth over Sh8 million to boost supply in the area. Chepkwony said his administration had received Sh1.7 billion grant from a German donor, of which Sh300 would be used to supply residents of Bureti constituency with clean piped water.

Chepkwony said his administration was committed to ensuring residents have access to piped water had already laid over 200kms of water pipes.