Kisumu, Kenya: Traders at Oile Market in Kisumu were stunned at the sight of bodies of Siamese twins dumped at the market's rubbish pit.

The bodies were found in a purple bucket that had been abandoned next to the main public toilet.

The toilet cleaner, Benard Owino, said he left the facility at around 2pm in the afternoon to go and attend a youth group meeting.

He returned later in the evening to close the facility but had to clean it first. When he asked who the owner of the bucket was, his colleague told him that it "contained weird stuff".

He said the bodies were wrapped with a white cloth that was soaked in blood. Owino could not believe his eyes and later called on fruit vendors next to the toilet to have a look at what he had seen.

"What I am sure about of is that the baby was not delivered here, since nobody entered the toilet with the bucket," said Owino, adding that his brother said a woman came, left it there and went inside the toilet.

Ruth Atieno, an Irish potatoes vendor expressed shock at the casual way with which ladies handle child-bearing responsibilities.

"I have never seen such a thing in my life. The infants didn't deserve to be treated like that," said Atieno.