By Ali Abdi

Kenya: The National Land Commission (NLC) and Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) will help resolve the boundary dispute between Isiolo and Meru counties.

Addressing residents at Isiolo Stadium during the Mashujaa Day celebrations, Isiolo County Commissioner Wanyama Musiambo said the commissions had agreed to arbitrate in the row that has raised tension along the border of the two counties.

“I talked with the chairman of the National Land Commission on Thursday and he has agreed to come over and look at the (boundary) problem,’’ Mr Musiambo.

He added: “Everyone, from the governors and their teams, senators, MPs, the speakers and Members of the County Assemblies and former area MPs will attend the meeting.”

Isiolo Deputy Governor Mohammed Guleid, who was the chief guest during the occasion, said meeting was supposed to take place last Friday, but an ad hoc committee of Isiolo County Assembly looking into the row with Meru had not completed its work.

Musiambo said the meeting would take place as soon as the committee compiles its report and Governor Godana Doyo, who had travelled to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, for Hajj returns to the country.