Bukira East MCA Mr Chacha Mathews (Center with red tie) being sworn in as the deputy speaker on October 8, 2020. Former deputy speaker George Omamba was barred from office by the employment and labour relations court. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

Bukira East MCA Chacha Mathews has been elected the new Migori County Assembly deputy speaker. Chacha will replace George Omamba who has been barred from office by the Employment and Labour Relations court.

In a heated Tuesday afternoon session chaired by Speaker Boaz Okoth, the MCAs unanimously endorsed Chacha. All eyes have now been set on the assembly to see whether it will debate the impeachment of Governor Okoth Obado.

During the voting, a section of  MCAs who have thrown their weight behind Omamba declared the election illegal. Chacha garnered 41 votes and at least 11 members abstained from the vote. Chacha's competitor Leo Ogwada did not get a single vote.

The assembly has never known peace since the ODM party instructed its members to start impeachment proceedings against Obado.  

Yesterday, speaker Okoth described those who have been pushing for the impeachment as attention seekers.

“We know our mandate as elected members. This notion of some people coming to the assembly with orders from the party leader is idiocy that will not be tolerated,” Okoth said.

He called on the new deputy speaker to work towards restoring peace in the assembly that has witnessed violent confrontations following the impeachment talk.