
The government is sending hundreds of medical personnel to China for training in radiology in line with the programme to enhance healthcare in 37 hospitals in the country.

The first batch will leave the country next week after installation of CT Scan equipment kicked off in healthcare facilities. 

The training of 800 medics that will end in July is expected to significantly reduce referral cases to Kenyatta National Hospital as the equipment will help in diagnosis of diseases and trauma. 

Health Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki commissioned installation of the equipment at Thika Level Five hospital. She said the installation for each hospital will take six weeks and the machines are expected to be operational by end of next month.

“It now means we will see an end to referrals through equipping our major hospitals with these diagnostic equipment by July,” Ms Kariuki said.

The CT Scan which is mostly used for imaging through hard tissues such as bones, will complement the already available machines with lesser scanning modules.

Lily Sawe, a radiographer at Kericho Level 5 Hosipital, is among the team that will undergo training in China.

Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu lauded the national Government for installing the equipment saying it would go a long in improving health services.