The Government's health quango is to urge Britons to avoid drinking alcohol on consecutive days. In proposed new guidance Public Health England [PHE] will advise the public to avoid boozing two days in a row in order to help remain within official healthy guidelines.
The one day on, one day off, approach would have a positive impact on health, according to the guidance, - which is reportedly contained within an official document.
Drinking regularly over the "low risk" guideline - the equivalent of two pints of beer for a man - can become a problem it says.
Health chiefs propose to "explore the effectiveness and impact of encouraging people to have some drink-free time every week."
The proposals are contained within a marketing strategy produced by PHE - with a recommendation that a drink free days campaign be enacted regionally.
If this was successful it could then be rolled out nationally, the proposals say.
A spokesman from Public Health England said the proposed guidelines would help "break the habit of drinking regularly."
Current guidance from the Chief Medical Officer recommends people refrain from drinking on two or three days each week.
A quarter of deaths among men aged 16 to 24 are reportedly alcohol-related.