By Crystal Okusa

The kind of lifestyle we live today exposes us to a lot of stressful situations. Whether you are just tired, overwhelmed, annoyed or even excited it’s effects are likely to show on your face. With time, your negative emotions reflect on your face, making you look older.

Have you ever noticed how beautiful calm people are? Even if they are not classified as lovely, they have a peacefulness that is very comely and are always likely to age gracefully.

Don’t fly off the handle at every little thing. But if you are not calm by nature and faking it is just not working, here is how to achieve a graceful face amidst life’s pressures:

• Control your facial muscles — do not fall into the habit of twisting your face when you feel skeptical, angered or troubled. Every time you are caught in such a situation, keep your forehead smooth and your eye area uncreased. This will make your facial muscles less likely to develop wrinkles.

• One remedy that works is sleep. Little and irregular sleep gives you a groggy mood and a saggy puffy face. As you grow older, your face gets stretched, saggy, and tired. Sleep six-eight hours a day.

• Deep breathing will also help. Breathing in and out for a few minutes when you find yourself in a stressful situation helps you relax after a short time and increases the circulation of blood to your skin.

• Antioxidants in green tea are said to do so many things, among them, fend off wrinkles. Try inhaling it in steam form ten minutes before the stressful time kicks in.

• Make it a habit to always carry water with you. Find a convenient way to have a bottle of water to drink all day.

• If your body lacks vitamin C, it will show on your face. For instant nourishment, you need watermelon juice.