Good lord! Father forgive me. I know I'm a sinner.

But I don't know which biblical injunction I have gone against, this time around. She called. And it turned out to be wrong number. She didn't disconnect.

Instead, she began talking to someone in the back ground, rather noisily and immediately reminded me of noisy weaver birds...before shouting back 'hello, the way, you've a nice baritone voice'. She lied.

I giggled, like I were a shy girl whose breasts had been touched for the first time.

And what's your name, by the way? She asked.

The unseriousness in her voice betrayed her. I knew this was a joker!

I'm called Nakhamuna. I calmly answered.

Eish, is that a real name?

Yes it is. I said.

Ok, so what do you do?

I'm a technician and a business man. I answered.

A technician for what? She wanted to know.

I repair broken words, sentences and I also sell words.

Eh, you are strange, so how do you do that?

I know you probably wondering why I was behaving like a goat answering many questions from a total stranger, but hey, which man says no to (or hangs up on) a woman? You tell me?

I told her I can't disclose more, because she had told me nothing about herself.

Ok, well, I am student, pursuing my masters degree in something I didn't hear clearly.

I didn't hear because that 'masters' bit had excited me. Huh, 'masters' bit made me get a bit serious and began listening to her with renewed interest. Hehe wife material, maybe, you know! We taaaalkd...and kaboom! She drops the bomb, Al Shabaab style: Si you send me a K, I will refund when we meet?

Next time she was shouting hello, hello, she was talking to herself! I had hung up,

Con women have really upped their game.