A collage of Brenda and Derrick, the taxi driver.

A Kenyan lady who gained notoriety for her conduct towards a taxi driver has now taken responsibility for her actions and issued an apology.

The incident, which unfolded just last week, saw the emergence of a viral video capturing the woman relentlessly hurling insults at the driver.

As the footage made rounds on various social media platforms, it quickly sparked outrage and condemnation from netizens who took to the social streets to call her out.

However, amidst the storm of public backlash, the woman involved has taken a step towards rectifying her actions.

Speaking with comedian Oga Obinna, the lady now identified as Brenda, has come forward to publicly apologize for her behavior, acknowledging the hurt and distress she caused not only to the taxi driver but also to those who witnessed the incident through the viral video.

"No one deserves to be insulted, no one deserves to go through what Derrick went through. I am thankful to Derrick because if he did not take that video viral, I wouldn't be here apologizing to him or apologizing to anyone. I am really sorry, truly sorry from deep down my heart. It was not a good thing what I did," she stated.

Brenda and Derrick during an interview with Obinna

In the heartfelt apology, Brenda expressed deep regret for her actions and emphasized that her behavior was inexcusable, attributing it to her state of intoxication at the time. She admitted to losing control of her emotions and acknowledged the harmful impact of her words

"Most people out here are judging me; you have a right to do that. Whatever I did is not applaudable but I would like to thank this man Derrick Mbugua for being the bigger person in the whole situation. I understand I would have faced a lot that night but he chose to stand by me. And thanks to you, I have now realized that alcohol is not good for me. To ladies out there regardless of your age, let's know our limits. Don't throw it on anyone, people have feelings. I have really felt bad seeing his (Derrick) tears," she added.