An unhappy couple in bed.

Being unfaithful is one of the worst forms of betrayal a person can do to the person they claim to love and cherish. However, some spouses eventually stray from their marriages and end up having affairs outside the marital home. Some people cannot stand a cheating partner and will immediately pack a bag, vacate the marital home, and file for divorce. However, other partners choose to stay and weather the storms together. There are a few marriages that are still standing strong despite one partner being caught cheating red-handed. Take Beyoncé and Jay Z, for example. They worked through the issue and seemed to be going strong.

Here are the reasons why people choose to stay in Kenyan marriages despite being cheated on.

Being financially dependent on the spouse

Those who are fully dependent on their husbands or wives may decide to stick around because they don’t engage in any income-generating activity. They believe they will go through hard times out there if they decide to leave their cheating partners and start fending for themselves.

The children

Some people choose to endure a cheating partner for the sake of the kids. They do not want their kids to grow up without a mother or father figure and sacrifice their happiness for that of their children.

Being judged by society

Society can be vicious sometimes, especially to single parents. People whisper unkind words here and there and may blame the innocent partner for failing to sustain the marriage. Some single parents have shared that they are looked down upon by people. Some even lose friends because married friends do not want you to spoil their marriage by ‘seducing’ their spouses. To avoid such trials, some opt to stay with unfaithful partners.


They say love is blind and makes people do crazy things. This is one of the major reasons why people choose to stay with a spouse who has cheated. They are still in love with their partner and do not want to give up in the face of cheating, especially when the unfaithful person has shown remorse and promised not to do it again. Some couples go to therapy, forgive and go on to spend the rest of their lives together happily. However, most don’t.

The belief that there’s no one better out there

Some stick around because they believe they will never find anyone better out there. The belief that all men are the same and cannot control their urges makes many women stay put even though the man has been unfaithful several times.

They are also cheating on their spouses

Some partners stay in relationships where their partner has cheated because they are also cheating. They don’t see cheating as a big deal because they have been doing the same thing too.

The belief that the unfaithful partner will change

Some unfaithful partners cheat and never do it again. Most, however, cheat and never stop. What they change is their cheating tactics, so they can never be caught by their significant other.