Maribe's son is now seven (Instagram/@jacquemaribe)

Former TV presenter Jacque Maribe has written a heartfelt birthday message to her son, Zahari, as he turns 7.

Taking to social media to post a photo of herself posing with her only son, Maribe described motherhood as a beautiful journey of life adding that she would do anything for her son.

“Zahari, happy 7th has and continues to be a beautiful journey of life. I'm proud to be your mum. Love, Ma.” Maribe shared.

Speaking about motherhood in an earlier interview, Maribe had disclosed that she suffered two miscarriages before she had Zahari. She narrated that she battled with a fertility condition for years, a phase she termed as one of the toughest periods she had endured in her life.

“I had almost gotten a baby before but I suffered a miscarriage. It was tough at the time because it was so new to me. Then we tried again, suffered a second miscarriage and didn’t know what was going on,” she said.

According to her, the said condition was to be fixed through surgery but luckily, she did not have to go to surgery.

"We [with her then partner] were lucky we found out earlier and I was told I had to undergo surgery to get rid of it and give ourselves a waiting period [before trying for a baby]. [After the surgery] the baby would have at least enough space [and I would] carry [the pregnancy] to maybe 30 something weeks and not have to get to 40. I remember I panicked and I said I’m not gonna do this," she revealed.

Maribe had suffered two miscarriages before welcoming Zahari (Instagram/@jacquemaribe)

Speaking about the father, Maribe disclosed that her son's father, comedian Eric Omondi, was not sure of the path he wanted to take when Zahari was born.

“I think for Eric and his career, he was not very sure about the path he should take. Like do we do this and have a baby together? Not speaking ill of him, but at that time he had this ladies' man image; there was no space for a child in that mix," Maribe had commented.

After sharing the news of her son’s birthday seventh birthday, her followers took to the comments section to share their warm wishes and congratulate her on her motherhood journey thus far.

“Happy birthday to Zahari. You have done a great job with him,” @fredwhitecap commented.  @triciahbb wished blessings upon their lives commenting: “Happy birthday to the lad.... May the Lord increase you in all areas of your life.”