Mbosso [Photo: Instagram @mbosso_]

It has been roughly five months since popular Tanzanian singer, Mbwana Yusuph Kilungi Jr. aka Mbosso lost his baby mama, Martha.

The Wasafi Classic Baby (WCB) signee on Valentine’s Day took to Instagram to celebrate Martha for the love they had for each other with the rest of the world.

In the since-deleted post, Mbosso revealed he was still struggling to come to terms with the actress’s demise, adding that his thoughts were constantly occupied with memories of Martha and that of their child.  

“Dear Martha, dunia leo inasherehekea sikukuu ya wapendanao. Watu wanafuraha sana huku duniani. Rangi nyekundu na makopa mujarabu yametawala sana leo ila kwangu ipo kinyume sana. Kilichonitawala ni sura yako na ya mtoto wetu Ibrahim Mbwana Kilungi. Nimeambiwa tu za chini chini siku hizi anaitwa Joseph. Imani Yangu inanambia huko alipo yupo salama hivyo basi usiwe na shaka juu ya hilo,” wrote Mbosso

Moving on

The Ate crooner explained that he has not been able to get into another relationship and that he is hurting.

“Lamwisho nikutoe hofu tu kuwa sasa nimeacha kulia mzee mwenzangu.. "Najitahidi kuilazimisha furaha japo moyoni ninamajonzi .." na Kibaya zaidi nashindwa kuanza maisha mapya pasi na upeo wako .."Kila siku nakuombea na nitazidi kukuombea roho yako iwe kwenye pepo ya firdausi inshaallah  .Pumzika Martha, .. acha mimi niwasindikize wapendanao kwenye siku yao ya wapendanao,” he concluded.

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Mbosso and Martha [Photo: Courtesy/ Instagram @mbosso_]

Martha’s death

The actress cum comedian popularly known by her stage name Boss Martha passed on in 2019 after complaining of intense headaches. She died in hospital.

Her sudden passing came as a shock to many especially Mbosso who had reportedly made arrangements to visit her the day before her demise.

Speaking to Global publishers, after the news broke, the singer fought hard to hold back his tears as he explained that they had made an agreement to keep their relationship and their child together private.

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Mbosso then took to his social media and poured out his heart to her.

“Licha ya vipingamizi Vingi juu ya mimi kuwa na wewe takribani au ndani ya zaidi ya miaka mitano (5) iliyopita, hatukuacha kuonyeshana ni kiasi gani tulikuwa tunahitajiana sana kwenye safari yetu ya maisha. Japo jitihada zetu hazikuweza kufanikisha mimi na wewe kuwa pamoja ila mbegu tuliyoipanda vuno letu ulichagua liwe siri baina yangu mimi na wewe.

“Sikukubishia japo Mwazoni nilikukatalia kwa sababu 'najijua kifua cha kuficha siri sina..' ila nikakuahidi sitadiriki kuitoa popote na hata waliotuhisi tulikuwa tunawakatalia iwe faragha au mbele ya hadhira tulitamka sio kweli, hapana, hakuna kitu kama hicho. Hayo ndo yalikuwa majibu yetu.

"Sasa umeondoka bila kunipa ruksa juu ya hili. Je, niendelee kuitunza hii siri, na, je, anavyoendelea kukua akija kuniuliza na nikwambia mama alisema uwe siri atanielewa kweli? Wallah moyo wangu unauma Martha hukupaswa kuondoka wakati huu. Mapema mno dah! Nenda Martha mwingi furaha na ucheshi. Hata mama kasema leo msiba. Jana ulikuwa unatabasamu hadi ulipofumba macho. Innalillah Wainnailaih Raajuun.Mwenyezi Mungu akupe kauli thabiti inshaallah. Lala salama Martha,” he wrote.