[Photo: Shutterstock]

A one-month-old baby had to have his penis amputated after a nurse allegedly pretending to be a doctor carried out a botched circumcision.

Ashraf Helmi had gone with his sister-in-law to have his son vaccinated at a medical centre in northern Cairo, Egypt.

While there, he claims he was persuaded to have his son circumcised and agreed to let a nurse who allegedly pretended to be a doctor to do the operation.

The nurse reportedly carried out the operation for a 50 EGP (£2.40) bonus.

Ashraf Helmi, the baby's father, said the child became unwell a few days after undergoing the operation (Image: CEN)

Helmi said: "She did it at an emergency room and not an operation room. I made sure I was there because you hear of all the botched surgeries out there.

"After finishing, she then fastened the gauze so tightly and when I told her it's very rough for a small boy, she said, 'I know what I'm doing!'"

When he noticed a swelling on his son's penis, Helmi went for a follow-up appointment at the medical centre.

While there, he became suspicious after the woman who operated on the tot allegedly told him to wait till she brought a 'doctor' - and he later reported the matter to police.

A few days later, baby Mohamed developed an infection and his father then rushed him to hospital where surgeons had to amputate his penis as it had turned gangrenous.

"I didn't know what went on in the operation room; I only had someone tell me, 'Come take your daughter!'" he said.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

Ministry of Health Deputy Minister, Hamdi al-Tabakh told local media that the nurse admitted she had gone through with the ill-fated surgery.

However, he said it was at the father's house, not at the medical centre, a claim which the father denies.

"The nurse is being internally investigated but she said the incident took place at the father's house upon his request," al-Tabakh added.

The nurse has been detained and the case is being investigated.