Kamene Goro Photo:Courtesy

Pulse: From your photos, to openly disclosing the number of men you have slept with, you seemed to court controversy all year long. Is it something you like?

Kamene: Well, it’s not easy being a subject of scrutiny, that’s for sure. Most of these times you get into tough conversations with yourself and those involved in your life.

However, I always say in a society that has ‘commoditised’ people, it’s important for me to remain true to myself.

Stories and experiences are to be shared. Besides, I remain committed to living my life in the best way possible.

Body counts, break-ups and the nudes… make us understand this thinking

Relationships, successful or not, are part of life. We hide from the shame that comes with some of them but it happens to everyone.

There are many young girls out there confused about the dynamics of life. I may not be a saint of role models but I believe I should live the truth so at least when they look at me they know it’s not a fallacy. The near nudes…or semi-nudes were more than what people would hope for.

What exactly prompted that?

I was involved in a body love campaign and I summoned all the courage in the world to allow me to show any woman that if you want to do it, you can.

Perfect body or not, size zero or 20, it doesn’t matter. You are as beautiful as you feel, society notwithstanding.

What about that passionate moment with Prezzo? Was it made up to stir the kind of reaction it did?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. One of the problems facing society is the thin like between opinion and reality.

I can’t be concerned with the harsh emotional opinions of some critics. I pay them no mind. Why were people up in arms about what Prezzo and I did after all? Asking for a friend…

That was Prezzo. It wasn’t that first time he was pulling such a move; kissing someone live on air.

Prezzo is my homie. He is always a blast. He is a rock star.

What about Calvo Mistari, a celeb whom you were said to be dating?

I love Calvo deeply. We have come from far. I keep telling him it’s time to come back to Kenya. I have so much respect for the amazing man…he and his craft.

Awesome! So this kind of deep thing can translate into a deeper issue, like marriage?

Now where has that come from? (laughs)

Didn’t you feel like you went a bit too far on what would be a very private issue, inviting moral criticism, when you talked about having slept with 27 men to-date? Would you do that again?

Yes, I would take up the question the same way. Was it too much to divulge?

Wasn’t it?

Well, everybody else felt that way and many were up in arms. I feel very strong about sexual health responsibility.

A lot of the information that circulates about sex, prudence knowledge and responsibility revolves around men; men have a condom, men get cut… Women get neither a voice nor a status. Why this?

So you were passing a message?

It is important for a woman living in the reality of our society today to be responsible and accountable for her sexual health.

You must know the number of men you have slept with so you know where you stand. You must have full knowledge of all your partners otherwise you put yourself at risk. Sex is not to be taken lightly.

Are you going to get into another relationship and, you know, walk down the aisle as 2019 sets in?

Marriage? 2019? It’s like I just started the best of my years, why would I do something like that? I mean unless he is an exemplary super human type of man?

That is quite the bold ‘No’.what is your kind of man?

I have really never thought of that. What I am sure of is that I am not a fan of yellow bone brothers.

What do you think of the Vera Sidika incident with her ex Otile Brown and how she threw him under the bus in her ruthless posts?

I think it’s always important to remember we are all human. Some of these things going into social media are very concerning. However, I feel no mercy for an ex. You all know that by now.

November is the hustle month and we are all about youngins making their money, and we need your help. Do you know of any young person in school/campus who is running a hustle that absolutely deserves to be celebrated? Drop us an email on: standardonline@standardmedia.co.ke