Sexual addiction, which compulsive participation or engagement in sexual activity, particularly sexual intercourse despite negative consequences is a topic that many don’t want to linger on. However, it is important to note that refusing to talk about something doesn’t mean it’s not there.

A reasonable number of people in the society have had to deal with sexual addiction at some point in their lives. Women, just like men may find themselves stuck in wanting to engage in unhealthy amounts of sexual activities.

The dangers that come with this, include but are not limited to;

Series of relationships

You want things to work out. If your boyfriend is the type who can't match your sexual pangs, you'll part ways for greener pastures.

Incredibly, horny women never date guys who can't keep up with them sexually for long. They look for men with matching libidos.

Low self-esteem

When you are highly sexual, you'll always feel super sexy and hot but this may work against you. Your high libido may force you to seek pleasure in some slutty and dingy places, leaving you ashamed. Getting constant refusals from men will make you feel less attractive hence breaking your self-esteem.

Porn and masturbation

A sexed-up lady has a constant sexual energy spouting like molten lava. This fuels her creativity to cool down things. That steady sexual energy can make one a sexual pervert if it's not released. I thought you should know.

Sexual thoughts cloud your mind

You'll always be desperate because of your hypersexuality. Sometimes your boyfriend is less into sex than usual, forcing you to be sexually frustrated. You'll thus come up with ways to initiate sex that will always work for you. Some highly sexed women say touching themselves while looking at their boyfriends’ will turn them on. Hence they are forced to join the party.

Relationship fights

When you're a sexed-up woman, your loins will always be on fire. You will thus wish for things to work out for you on every night. But your boyfriend may be less sexual and this will always result in fights when you try to drive him on. You'll always frown at his inadequacies and limitations to measure up.

It gets awkward when men turn you down

We live in a society where it's men who ask for sex from women. That's perfectly fine. Women are strangely not seen as sex-seeking beings; it's weird when dynamics shift and she opens up to want sex. That will be out of line.

You will be seen as dirty and lewd. This will hurt such a woman who has unlocked her heart and opened up herself in a unique way. Women say when they get turned down in that state of sexual vulnerability, they break down into distress.


It’s hard to find a man who will match your pace when you're a sexy lady. The men you'll meet may not be constantly ready like you and turning their moods on will feel like work. Thus you're unlikely to get what you want. This may hurt you and break your heart.

Sex beats all other priorities

If your sex drive is one that can move mountains, you'll force it on your man to get things going. You want to end up getting your way with him thus you propose a sex-schedule.

You want him to have all the time to prepare and also have something to look forward to. Highly sexed women say guaranteed sex is good any day, even if it lacks spontaneity.