HER: Who is Jecinta Asumpta?

HIM: Why do you ask?

HER: I see you liking, in fact, loving all her Facebook photos

HIM: She's just a friend

HER: Really? You are more engaging with her on Facebook than you are with me, yet I am your wife

HIM: I am married to you? Am I not? What more do you want?

HER: I want to be treated like your wife at home, outside and on social media


HER: It took so long for you to accept my friend request. Why? Is there something you're hiding?

HIM: You unfriended me when you and I had an argument? Remember? So I took time because I wasn't sure what exactly you want. That was childish

HER: I admit, that was childish. I was hurt at the time and I am sorry for unfriending you

HIM: Oh yes, I thought if unfriending me was that easy, what of divorce?

HER: No, please don't mention the D word

HIM: What was also childish was you posting our issues on social media. I would go online only to find you had put up posts which were clearly directed at me. You know people read through your posts. If you wanted my attention, all you could have done was talk to me in private, no need to tell the whole world

HER: I am sorry, that was childish

HIM: I forgive you

HER: I feel insecure when you comment on the pictures of other ladies, especially since you use such suggestive words. You talk about their smile, eyes, hips, butt. Look at what you wrote on Jecinta's latest photo, you're calling her a hot mama. She replies and then you two have this long thread of conversation and it's there for everyone on Facebook to see

HIM: What am I supposed to do? Ignore her and embarrass her?

HER: Oh, so now you are afraid of embarrassing Jecinta, but you're not afraid of embarrassing me? Your wife. My love, you are a handsome and successful man, of course women will admire you and some even want you. But how you handle yourself will determine how they interact with you. If you are a flirt, you will attract flirts. If you are casual then women will find it comfortable to disrespect me because you allow them and you protect them by making excuses for them just like you're doing now. If a woman initiates a suggestive conversation, I won't blame you; but when you converse along with them or even be the one who initiates; I will blame you

HIM: She is just a friend

HER: Is Gracey Chemutai just a friend too, what about Vickie Mukiri, Betty Sweetbaibe, Hot Pamela, Melisa Candy, Samantha Adhiambo, Jayne Waithera... are all those just friends? For you sure do engage them alot on Facebook

HIM: Wow, you have a list of them?

HER: A wife who loves her husband will notice these things in detail. Call me protective but I simply love you and want our marriage to be healthy. How do you think that makes me feel when you give these ladies such great attention, yet you barely even look at my wall? You are even ashamed to put a photo of you and I. It's like you've locked me out of your life and busy enjoying your time with other ladies

HIM: You are making a big deal out of this. I just have chats with them for fun

HER: Have that fun with me. Don't you care what people think?

HIM: You worry too much, this is just Facebook

HER: No my husband, this is life, this is about our marriage, my feelings, your respect as a father. You are the head of our family, the number one ambassador of our home. You should be protecting us in public, online and even in your private inbox messages. If this is how you behave publicly online, I am really concerned about the chats you have in private

HIM: I am a social person

HER: My love, you can be social and still honor our marriage. You are a husband, a father; online flirting and ogling is beneath you. Act like King. Rise above this, for me, for your family


HIM: You're right my love. I have so many Facebook friends that I don't even know and never will, but I come home to you; the woman who knows me and my weaknesses and covers me. These chats never end yet they go no where. I love you because you correct me with love and I am sorry for representing you poorly. Any space, whether at home, in public or online I should use to lead our home and profess my love for you and our children

(He moves closer to her showing her his phone screen)

HER: You're giving me your phone?

HIM: Talk a selfie with me so that I put it as my profile picture

HER: (Smiling) I will honey. On one condition though

HIM: Which one?

HER: You promise to poke me

HIM: Poke you? You want me to poke you on Facebook

HER: No, poke me in between my legs

HIM: (Smiling) Oh honey, I will more than poke you between your legs; I will comment on your chest, tag you to pleasure, our hashtag will #fireonbed

(They take a selfie together, he posts it as his new Facebook profile picture; then he sweetly pokes his wife on their bed)

© Dayan Masinde and Akello Oliech



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