Be you- do not change who you are just to please a man and since no one likes deception, being yourself will make a man want to know you more. Do not pretend to like football when you don’t to get a man to like you. The best way to get a man to take you out is by being you.

Always smile- remember to smile every time you bump into him. A smile is one of the most powerful weapons to make a man's heart melt.

Be clear with what you want- women are known to be so indecisive even in small matters. When it comes to dating, it might be quite hard to know what your crush is thinking and so instead of sending him mixed signals of what you want, be clear to him about it.

Take the first step- if you like a guy and want his attention, do not wait for him to make the first move. Take up the initiative to show him that you are interested. The next time you meet him, flash a smile and say hi.

Be approachable- being approachable does not necessarily mean that you throw yourself to him, but rather be in a position that he will not feel uncomfortable to ask so out. For instance, it can be a bit hard for a man to ask you out when you are always in a group of friends.

Don’t get friend zoned- you have probably become friends and even hang out but that doesn't mean you are in a relationship. Letting him friend zone you only means you sent the wrong signals and the chances of him asking you out are minimal.

Do not tell him everything about you- keep the mystery about yourself and let him get to know about you in his own pace. Listening to him more rather that talking gives you a higher chance of getting that date.