To be honest, there are little things that women often do that piss men off without realizing it. These are the little things that lead to relationship breakups. The following is a list of things that piss men off.

1. When a woman is always on her phone and especially on Instagram or snap chat, I mean, face the real world.

2. Men are also turned off with women who tend to be clingy. Give your man some space!

3. Trying to get your man to act jealous. Who lied to you that if a man doesn’t act jealous he does not love you?

4. Playing hard to get. Most women think that playing hard to get will make a man want them even more. Lady, think twice before going down that road.

5. A helpless woman- Men want women who can get things done.

6. The “I can do it all by myself” kind of woman; this will only make your man feel like you don’t need him in your life.

7. Talking during sex. Women talk a lot and that’s a fact; but talking during sex will totally turn your man off.

8. Not complimenting him. Women are used to it when men compliment them but do not reciprocate. Men also want to be complimented from time to time. It makes them feel good.

9. A parasite. When I talk of a parasite, I mean the literal meaning. Men don’t like women who depend on them too much. A man will always appreciate it if a lady tries to chip in on some of the expenses.

10. Not being honest. This is basic principle. Women tend to lie a lot especially about things they want. A man can’t read your mind, so please, speak your mind.