The Emmanuel AME Church inCharleston, South Carolina Inset: The 21-year-Old suspect

I can only take a dose of television news. However, there is always one heart-wrenching story that cuts through the dung. This week, it has to be the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina. The killings of nine people occurred in the basement of Emmanuel AME Church, the oldest church in the southern US, founded in 1816.

Denmark Vesey, a former slave, was a founding member of Emmanuel AME. In 1821, he started organizing a slave rebellion. The authorities discovered the plot and snuffed it out, but not before mass hysteria circulated throughout the South amongst slave owners.

Emmanuel AME was burnt to the ground but they still conducted services until 1834, when black churches were prohibited in the US. They held underground services until 1865, when slavery was abolished in the United States.

Emmanuel AME has played a significant role in American history with seeding a slave rebellion, praying beyond the ashes, and being a pillar in the community. Fast forward to 2015 and now they are forced to reckon with the worse slaying in a place of worship in US history. Black churches across the country conduct Bible studies.

On June 17, Dylann Storm Roof, a 21-year-old, attended Bible study at Emmanuel AME. He sat at the table, a stranger. I doubt anyone questioned his presence. This was Bible study whose members would be excited about anyone learning the scripture.

He sat with them for 60 minutes. I imagine a few minutes were spent actually listening to the Word and other minutes focused on killing everyone seated around the table. Reports even share that he almost did not go through with it because “everyone was so nice to me.”

But his desire to start a race war and frustration with a perceived sense that African Americans are “taking over,” was stronger than the love his victims showed him. He then turned, pulled out a gun and shot those he was praying with, multiple times.

In the end, nine people were slain, and the hearts of their families were yanked from their chests. The oldest victim was 87, in her golden years, while the youngest was 26, with nothing but golden years ahead of him.

It is said that Roof planned this event over many months. In the end, it did not result in the race war he planned for. If anything, a community and a nation feel more bonded over this horrific event. I cannot help but think that not only did Dylann Roof take nine lives, he also took a tenth life - his own - as if he had put a bullet to his own head. His life is effectively over.

I mourn with the affected community and yet another young person that will never realize his potential because his life ended at 21.

Denise is an Afri-soul singer and music performance coach