I have been at the forefront of bashing indolent schmucks who spend the better part of their days gorging themselves silly, in the process fattening themselves like hogs, then act all surprised when anyone in a skirt and heels doesn’t bother to honour them even with the scantiest of attentions.

But there is also a new breed of men, who are just as repulsive and should be squished to extinction.

This is the battle tank size fitness breed, whose idea of body building has crossed the red line of extremity.

There is such a thing as being too muscular and it is such a downer. Not that I am into scrawny guys, far from it!

I am a sucker for chiseled bods, however, there is nothing attractive about looking like a gym experiment gone bad.

You must have come across those excessively muscular guys who look like World Wrestling Entertainment wrestlers on an overdose of steroids. They are so bulky they paddle about like humanoid sucks! It is just pathetic.

Why would a man in his right mind obsess so much about lifting weights, if he is not suffering from some attention-seeking complex?

Why beat yourself up for a Johnny Bravo look, while you can just get toned and be really fit? Unless of course you are a bouncer and the job requires such physical deformity.

If you are an office clerk, but still punish your body to get a Hulk a physique, there must be something you are trying to make up for.

My guess is probably a small member or wanting performance in bed.

Don’t be an insecure show-off. You don’t need to be pumped up to attract the hot and beautiful young things.

If truth be told, all it takes is fat a wallet. You may be a hulking he-man like The Rock, but if you are MC Hammer broke, all your effort will be in vain.

Now, these hulking men are intimidating, it’s hard to even imagine getting cosy with them.

I am always braced for them to turn all green and let off a Hulk roar!

How do you even cuddle with such a rock with calloused hands and bulging network of veins?

I can’t. I just can’t.

- @RoxanneKenya