I am very careful about whom I give my number. I don’t dish it out to every other guy with a romantic interest in me, unless the feeling is mutual.

But I am human. Once in a while, I slip and hand my number to a creep.

We all have that one guy in our phone book whom we wish we never gave our number. Their constant calls and texts annoy us.

So what do you do in such a situation? You do what every reasonable person does; you ignore them until they stop.

I have one such creep; except he is really not a creep. He is actually a very nice guy. I don’t remember his name.

I didn’t even have the decency to save his number, but by now, I sort of know it off head. For the purposes of this article, we shall call him Dave.

Dave has been texting me faithfully since July 7 this year without receiving a single response from me.

He is pretty punctual too. Every day at around 7:30 am, I get a text from Dave. And it’s not one of those lewd texts laden with sexual overtones either.

His texts bear nice inspirational messages that wish me a fruitful day. Sometimes he throws in a Bible verse for good measure. Every now and then, he will text me something like, ‘hey,’ or ‘what’s up?’ during the course of the day.

However, that doesn’t stop him from wishing me a good morning the following day.

To the contrary, the text message will be even longer and deeper.

All this time, I have considered Dave to be a pathetic wuss, who doesn’t know when to give up. I mean, four months is a long time to realise you are not welcomed.

Last Wednesday morning, I did not receive a text from Dave. It was a bit odd, but I shrugged it off. He would make it up to me later in the day, I thought. He always does.

As the day wore on, no text from Dave was forthcoming.

I was distraught. Has he lost his phone or something? Something must be wrong!

The silent treatment rolled over to the next day and the day after that.

By Saturday, I had had enough.

I was getting concerned and wondered if he is dead, so I decided to call him. Much to my ‘joyful chagrin,’ he was alive and kicking. He picked up the phone after the second ring.

The conversation that followed was awkward to say the least.

To cut a long story short, he had become tired of being ignored. After he hang up on me (yes, he hang up on me!), I couldn’t help but feel proud.

My Dave had suddenly grown a pair! Now, I am in need of a new Dave. Anyone interested?
