When I am idle, I spend most of my time scouring the blogosphere for interesting stories.

I can’t exactly say that I am the shining epitome of perfection when it comes to blogging, but I know a sleazy blog when I see one.

Granted, you don’t have to be an erudite scholar to be a blogger, but by God, the atrocities being churned out in the name of blogs are abominable! It’s like a cry for help.

From stale and shallow content to reprehensible grammatical errors.

It’s like everyone with two brain cells have decided to have a blog. The ease of creating one has pretty much guaranteed that every dimwit can be a proud blog owner.

It is child’s play for those with too much time on their hands and a reliable Wi-Fi connection. Basic writing skills are recommended, but not essential.

It is just a matter of hitting your keyboard and churning out words. It doesn’t matter how trite or daft the content is.

Once you are done carving out your masterpiece, you can have your 14 cousins insult our intelligence by sharing it all over social media.

I am especially thrilled when you post it on my wall for that personal touch.

After all, I am a writer just like you. I am bound by some unwritten rule of writers to show appreciation for your hard work. After that is done, you can comfortably sit back and revel in your feeble-mindedness.

I came across what I presume was meant to be a fashion blog. The blogger in question has neither a good eye for fashion nor a good grasp of English, both of which are imperative for running a successful fashion blog.

The pictures accompanying the blog posts were amateurish to say the least.

But surprisingly, a few people (I can bet my left kidney they are her relatives) couldn’t stop singing her praises on the comments section. I was appalled!

Now, I am not in the business of sugarcoating and people-pleasing.

I am making it my life’s mission to call out bad bloggers.

One of the offenders who had particularly horrible punctuation made a weak attempt at justifying herself by telling me that it’s “her style of writing.”

I don’t know about you, but the last time I checked, stupidity was not a literary quality!


