In recent times, women have desired plumper and curvier bodies. Some women, however, sulk at the buildup of fat deposits in their bodies

Carrying excess fat in your body puts you at a higher risk of having many health problems. But experts now say that not all types of fat deposits in the body are harmful and what really counts is where that fat is stored. There are two forms of fats stored in the body namely; visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

Subcutaneous fat is the wobbly form of fat lying underneath your skin which results in a buildup of cellulite. It is the layer between the skin and the muscle. It accumulates around the thighs and buttocks, creating a pear-shaped physique. Studies have shown that it is the least harmful form of fat.

Visceral fat, on the other hand, is the firm internal layer of fat which forms between the organs inside the abdomen. Visceral fat contributes to the undesirable apple body shape. It is dangerous since it is found in internal organs. The neck, breasts, legs and thighs among others are danger zones for storing visceral fat.

Fat around the midriff raises your risk of stroke, cancer and even dementia. A bigger bust is a sign that you are predisposed to visceral fat and a sign of obesity. Having lots of neck fat could predispose you to heart diseases and pose as a risk factor to diabetes.

As opposed to subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is dangerous since it is thought to release chemicals into the blood causing inflammation. This has been linked to chronic conditions down the line like heart disease and fatty liver disease. Visceral fat's close proximity to our organs increases the risk of these inflammatory chemicals penetrating them, The Daily Mail reports.

Since carrying excess fat puts you at a higher risk of diseases, it is advisable to reduce the overall body fat. Exercising vigorously for at least 30 minutes two to four times a week reduces the rate of visceral fat buildup by 7%. Eating foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D like leafy greens and sardines is also linked to less visceral fat buildup.