Rose Njoroge,the 25 year old actress was crowned Kalasha Best Lead Actress.From 'Lies that bind' to 'Jane and Abel'.She talks to us aout the many hurdles that almost saw her dreams shattered.

Pulse: Delivering your acceptance speech during this year’s Kalasha Awards, you recalled a director’s sentiments; “Rose you are so pathetic at this, you should try selling vegetables instead.” This went viral with many viewing like you were mocking him. What is your take on that?

Rose: I was actually misquoted. I would like to thank him. He was a set book director and was pretty tough on me to make me better.

P: How would you describe your journey into the filming industry?

R: Long, tough, draining and every other adjective along that line. It was a bed of roses with withered buds and the sharpest thorns. I started off when I was 20. I was naive. I am no longer those things. Set books don’t pay and you travel in the harshest of conditions. We would sometimes wrap up a draining performance at 10pm then make the journey back to our rooms; a journey of about two hours. We would sleep on empty stomachs.

P: Is that the most daunting challenge you have faced in your career so far or you have had worse days?

R: Where do I start...It is a mean industry when you have no connections whatsoever. I did two years of set books theatre before deciding to venture into film. I had to do a lot of networking to even land a role as an extra. I was unemployed for one year even after attending thousands of auditions. They said I was not tall enough, pretty enough, light enough, skinny enough or popular enough even though I displayed talent. Some producers prefer drop-dead gorgeous hotties with the lightest of skin. Many of those girls couldn’t act even if their lives depended on it.

P: Many budding thespians have raised concerns about being swindled by filmmakers, what is your story?

R: Well, like in set books, I would sign a contract with a producer and never get a copy of it even when I asked. Before you know it, you have worked for the pest and he doesn’t pay you. I was shocked to see it happen even in film. But now we have an actors’ guild. I am ecstatic about that.

P: What is your take on ‘cast couching’ or otherwise put,  sexual favours in exchange for roles in the local film and theatre industry?

R: I always say if it is a handshake, never let it pass beyond the wrist. If it does, slap the daylights out of the person or call me to do it for you. Trust you me, next time he will stick to just waving at you. Doing nothing when these subtle gestures are made is what gets us women in trouble. Most perverts take it as invitation.

P: Was your passion in acting the reason why you dropped out of a software engineering class?

R: I had just cleared high school and had no idea what I wanted to do with myself so my grandfather suggested I take up the course and see how it goes. To put it plainly, I would rather sit and watch paint dry than programme software. It just is not my kind of thing.

P: Apart from Julia in Strength of a Woman and performing stage plays at Phoenix Theatre, what other roles have you played in film?

R: I play Kate in Jane and Abel, a Spielworks Production soap opera for Africa Magic Entertainment. I have also made appearances in Lies That Bind and Block D.

P: Do you have other engagements apart from acting?

R: I am script writing for an upcoming television series. And I am going into voice overs.