In life you either live by the pain of change or by the pain of regret    Photo: Courtesy

I grew up in the slum, where we struggled through abject poverty. My mum, my siblings and I lived in a single room for many years. Probably,  I would still be there today, were it not for my curiosity that drove me to visit friends in other parts of Nairobi.

I was impressed by the hygiene and how things looked clean and orderly outside the ghetto. This stirred me up and challenged me to change my life. I can actually trace the journey of my life to a single decision to change that I made many years ago.

I can attest that the life you envision must first become actualised through change if the benefits you desire are to accrue to you.

The great and mighty, the rich and famous were never born that way. Often, they grew through change, adjustments and adapting to new frontiers that ultimately brought them to their current positions. A majority of people only wish for a better life, stable relationships, promotion in career, better income, but very few people are willing to make the necessary adjustments to realise these wishes.

In this life, you either live by the pain of change or by the pain of regret. The choice of pain must constantly be made. Archbishop Leon Joseph said: “Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true.”

Some environments have a genuine stigma attached to them. While some may fuel bad habits, others have long exhausted all available potency for success and the only option is for somebody who wants more to leave that environment for a more conducive one. The familiarity of mediocrity, the acceptance of poor standards and the absence of a competitive atmosphere in any environment has the ability to cripple an otherwise fertile potential.

When you find yourself in places where the normal is celebrated and village champions are the ultimate celebrities, you need to run, because in such places, your gift will not flourish and will soon die. Stop limiting yourself to the familiar, the comfortable and the predictable environments where you can easily manoeuvre without much effort. Move to the unknown and challenge yourself to become creative and adaptable.

If your environment is not challenging, then you need to consider relocation to a more challenging environment. Expose yourself to an environment that rebukes your mediocrity and challenges you to become better.

Did you know that the words you speak have the power to become reality? What you say about yourself has the ability and the capability to manifest tangible experiences in your life. Watching what you say and guarding what you hear may be one of the foremost steps towards determining the outcomes of your life.

The words you speak out of the convictions of your heart have grace that is strong enough to lubricate life and its challenges. Develop a sieve that selects your words and believe in your heart that the positive confessions you make over yourself have transformational power.

What is continually in your heart will soon find itself in your mouth and what is in your mouth will soon find its way into your heart. Whatever the mouth says, the heart begins to believe. As ridiculous as it may sound, the fact of the matter is that you can speak what you want to see and you shall have whatever you say.

Albert Einstein said that: “We cannot solve problems with the same way of thinking we used when we created them.” The bad and the ugly situations around your life are not waiting for a shift of prevailing circumstances. They are waiting for the change of your mind.  Situations are created, sustained and terminated by the mind before they can manifest in actual reality.

There is nothing that a change of mind cannot alter. Anything you are experiencing is because in your mind, you have allowed it. Take time to disallow poverty, failure, rejection and addictions by changing your mind. You may be in a slum physically, but that does not stop your mind from being in a leafy suburb

People don’t die in squalor because money stopped circulating. They do because from where they stood, there was no perspective of a way out. If you don’t like where you are, change it! I love you and I am always praying for you.