It is a bulletin that would frighten the traditional church vicar to death: Different strokes, the sex conversation, the glossy Mavuno Church poster proclaims.

The church advert on a monthly marathon of sex education leaves little to the imagination. Each Sunday of September, brethren will sit and receive teachings on pornography and masturbation, homosexuality, sex outside marriage and the ‘chef’s special’ – sexual healing.

Has sex come to church?

Pastor Kyama Mugambi of Mavuno Church says they are simply tackling a problem that bedevils many Christians.

“We feel that there is so much working against this generation. From the Internet to televisions, magazines to social media, there is so much sexual talk going on, and it’s our responsibility as the church, to come out and talk about the spiritual side of sex,” says the Starehe Boys alumni and holder of a masters degree in Biblical Studies.

Mugambi, who has a business administration degree from USIU says, “People are making wrong choices especially when it comes to sexuality, and as a church, we are here to share, help and nurture our members in all aspects.”

Mugambi’s crusade has surprisingly received a thumbs up from senior cleric of a church presumed to be old school and traditional.

Bishop Beniah Salala of the Mumias Anglican Church says sex hasn’t been adequately covered by the church.

“Traditionally, it was a taboo to speak about sex, but times are changing, and we need to accept the reality. Burying our heads in the sand, hoping the uncomfortable topic will go away doesn’t help,” says the outspoken Bishop. According to Salala, the church should seek to engage married couple in sexual counseling before, and during marriage.

“Sex is everywhere, products are being sold using sex, and our children, unfortunately have to grow up in that type of world, and the church isn’t doing enough to teach them about sex, so we let our children learn about sex from the wrong sources like Internet, magazines and television,” says Salala.

Challenged about the touchy subject of sex education for the youth, Pastor Mugambi says, “Day in, day out, there are so many outlets that discuss sex, and opinions in the mind of our children, is already being formed, if we don’t show them the way, then we will lose a whole generation. As a church, we have to get into the discussion.”

Lack of knowledge

Pastor Mugambi says he at times feels sad when people on social media attack the church and its programmes.

“I am human like every other person, and it makes me unhappy to see people attack something we are doing for our church members. People even use words I wouldn’t want said in front of my wife and children,” says Mugambi who says that Mavuno Church leaders get courage from God to tread on paths many pastor don’t dare.

Bishop Thomas Wahome of Helicopter of Christ church says it is not fair as a pastor to counsel a couple through their courtship, wed them but then reject them when they are having marital issues because of sex.

“It will be doing a job halfway; the church must discus sex with their congregation and must teach about it. The bible in Hosea 4:6 says, my people perish because they lack knowledge’ but the bible doesn’t say which knowledge, but Christians get knowledge from their pastor, sheikh or priest,” says Wahome.