A rare incident that sent a strong message to married men took place recently in a Migori village.

The incident happened at a burial ceremony where mourners who had turned up for this mandatory rite of passage expected nothing of the sort. They just wanted to witness a peaceful send-off of the departed to the spirit world.

The deceased was a young woman who was survived by four school-going children and a middle-aged husband. Her premature demise attracted many to her funeral. There were friends and relatives who travelled long distances to share in the grief of her family.

 Brisk business

The plastic chairs and school desks available were all occupied. Mourners who could not find a place in the tent erected at the deceased’s home braved the blazing sun to be part of the ceremony.

Around noon, the ceremony kicked off in earnest with the master of the ceremonies calling upon relatives and friends to eulogise the departed. While some of those who could not accept the loss sobbed, the section passed without much drama.

When the eulogies were over, men of God took over the programme. They performed remarkably well with their choir offering lively sacred songs. The man of the cloth leading this team offered a wonderful sermon. Much of his scriptural references touched on the transient nature of human life.

It was while the prayers were going on that enterprising photographers the opportunity to snap pictures of those who attended the funeral.

They did brisk business with their digital cameras that had the added advantage of processing instant photos. A number of snaps they had taken were hung on a line in the deceased’s husband’s compound.

Seething with anger

Some interested mourners took single photos but majority preferred taking group photos, mostly with their relatives or friends.

The photo session added to the beauty of the ceremony as the snaps were a lasting reminder of the day.

Unknown to many mourners, there was a woman who was seething with anger as the photos were being taken. This young woman had desired to take a photo with her husband but her man had snubbed her because she was shabbily dressed.

Unaware that his wife was bitter, the man who is in his early 20s and runs a successful butchery in Migori town, went about taking group photos with her married sisters who looked well taken care off by their husbands and were fashionably dressed.

 Dressed in tatters

Unable to control her rising rage, the woman yelled: “Why are you shying away from taking a photo with me? I need to take a group photo with you too despite being dressed in tatters.”

The woman was loud and was heard by majority of those at the burial. The bitter woman’s cries were also heard by her husband, but the man ignored her at first. However, when the preacher stopped the prayers and craned his neck to take a sneak peek at the drama unfolding, the woman’s husband attempted to make a dash for it.

Intent at embarrassing the man more, the woman rushed after him with curious mourners in tow. Realising that he was doomed to fail, the man gave in and called a camera man to take a photo of him and his wife, albeit grudgingly.

This incident had those who witnessed it lambasting men who are not concerned about the sartorial needs of their spouses.