Our Woman Crush Wedensday is Caroline Mutoko   Photo: Courtesy

By Sheila Kimani (@Sheilakimm)

She wears many hats, mother, mentor, media personality, but many will refer to her as the Kenyan “Queen of radio” owing to her wealth of experience in the media sector over time.

Starting from humble beginnings, word is that Caroline began her radio job pro-bono for seven months, and punctually went through the required working hours -a task which many current youths would dismiss. Initially, she was out to learn the art of trade in media and with time she mastered it.

After gaining experience at the Capital FM for four years, Caroline moved to Kiss 100 where she hosted the morning show that went ahead to give her ratings and build her brand in the industry.

Fearless, Caroline asked the hard questions and tackled the emerging issues on her show thus gaining an ardent following and despite changing her co-hosts quite often, still held the reins.

Up until recently when she left the show to become a marketing manager and pave way for Shaffie and Kalekye, Caroline was known to many as the queen of radio due to her prowess on air.

Away from Radio, Caroline is a mentor to many youth most of who have attended her talk sessions. She is believed to be quite pro-active in getting the youths to be the best they can be.

She is also the proud mother to Nduku currently aged 3, whom she adopted at the tender age of 8 months and has since grown to become an important part of her life.

Most impressive however is how Caroline has managed to keep her private life under wraps with not even the common scandals seem to be worth her time.

Having set the pace, and mentored young ladies to become fearless and assertive, Caroline is our Woman Crush today.