How do I redress the balance, and get ahead in a man's world? [Courtesy, Suny Press]

Hi Chris,

As my career's developed, and I have become more senior, I have realised that men seem to get promoted more often than I do. Which makes me hopping mad! How do I redress the balance, and get ahead in a man's world?

Unfair Competition

Hi Unfair Competition!

Everyone says it is a man's world, but it is not really. It is just that men grow up learning a game plan that leads them towards success. So you do not have to be a man to succeed. But you must be using the right tactics!

Having said that, men do have a few natural advantages. Like we are impressed by their height and deep voices. But there are plenty of exceptions, like short CEOs and successful women, who prove that physical attributes are not everything.

But to succeed you must also have the right attitude. Because success comes from being independent, assertive and competitive. And being comfortable taking risks.

That is where men have their real advantage. Because male life is all about getting the upper hand.

Something boys start learning from day one. While girls want to be liked by their friends, so they tend not to put themselves forward.

Men feel driven to acquire wealth and are always more competitive than women of the same age. It is why men love risky sports and become financiers and stock market traders.

"No matter how good you might be in other ways, an independent, assertive, competitive risk taker will get there before you every time," Chris Hart says[Courtesy, Harvard Business Review]

And it cannot be denied that we are impressed by risk-taking, forceful men.

Their confidence, easy movements and unashamed stare. The way they push people around and do not smile much. Because talent and skills are not the only routes to success.

If you want to get to the top, you must also be independent, assertive, competitive, and skilful at taking risks.

Because no matter how good you might be in other ways, an independent, assertive, competitive risk taker will get there before you every time.

And that works for women just as well as it does for men. So even in 'a man's world,' you do not have to be a man to succeed. You just have to be following the right strategy.

All the best,
